
Tyler Cox

Tyler Cox

Birthdate: December 5, 1994
Location: Kansas City, MO


I am Tyler Cox. This is a site devoted to myself, Tyler Cox. If you have even attempted to google Tyler Cox, You would know that "Tyler Cox" is a really popular name. Please feel free to help me out and link here.

Social Network

Twitter Facebook

Site Information

Website Created: 09/01/2012 9:21:00 PM
Current Date: 02/17/2025 11:04:03 AM


Intern at Strange Music ( July 10, 2012 )


Highschool ( Senior - 2013 )

Coding Experience

PHP ( Stronger )
HTML ( Stronger )
jQuery ( Strong )
CSS ( Beyond Basics )
Mysql ( Beyond Basics )
AS2 ( Basics )

Completed Work Portfolio

Lee summit west high school